Admission Open


Every part of education is a step towards a fulfilling career through lucrative employment. The main goal of the SVU Training and Placement Cell is to bridge the academia-industry gap by providing every additional guidance required for you to cover the distance from a being student to be coming a professional in your respective fields. Our role is to coach you beyond the ambit of academics so as to nurture you in to becoming the most eligible candidate for your dream career trajectory. We achieve this feat by equipping you with complementary industrial skills relevant to your field. While our uniquely designed academic courses provide you with the best level of insight and knowledge available in the respective academic disciplines, our training and placement cell arms you with professional etiquette, leadership skills and industrial expertise required to excel in your field.

Our attention towards every single student individually and uncompromising dedication towards the all-round development of our students throughout their academic journey with us, has led to endless opportunities for our students from leading National and Multinational companies as well as highly InnovativeStart-ups.Theconstantguidanceandpreparationfrom ourexpert team right from the first month of a student’s admission to the final step of graduation, helps a student present their personal best before every employer. Our mission is to groom the competent youth of the country so as to enable them to conquer the global arena by instilling the required work ethics in them that are required to excel in the 21st Century Workplace.

Corporate Advisory Board

The SVU Corporate Advisory Board comprises of esteemed subject matter experts for the guidance of our students. Our experts regularly give their advice and mentor the students with respect to their career prospects and skill enhancement according to their interests. Acting as a link between the corporate world and the academic world, the board helps the students pursue their goals in a structured manner in the right direction, thus saving them any missed opportunities due to lack of experience. The board also actively networks, partners, collaborates and fosters relationships with various reputed business organisations for the benefit of our students’ interests.

Training and Placement Cell

With the advent of globalisation, professional competency alone isn’t enough to excel in this dynamic and evolving world. Hence, to cope with the speedy change of the corporate sector, the students are required to equip themselves with soft skills, networking skills as well as professionalism to be able to navigate the challenges of the new business world. During our time with the students, we focus on cultivating language proficiency, leadership qualities and personality development through interpersonal skills. Through our mock interviews and resume writing workshops, we give them an advantage on the path for their dream job. We nurture an environment of problem-solving and innovation so as to make our students ideal employable material as opposed to freshers who while well-equipped in their bookish knowledge, are unable to cope with the people aspect of any business. We hence ensure that our students enter the corporate world trained and ready to take on the practical hurdles thrown at them on the path of their dream career.

Placement Policy


The placement policy governs the various aspects of placement process at SVU such that maximum number of deserving candidates are able to secure lucrative opportunities of employment on-campus at the end of their education with us. It is our goal to connect with external organisations to present abroad spectrum of opportunities to our students and cater to their diverse aspirations, while maintaining the quality standards of the jobs offered.


  • Only students in the final year of their course will be eligible.
  • Students interested in placement assistance must have cleared all the semester examinations (having no backlogs) with a minimum CGPA equivalent to 6 or higher.
  • No university fees are pending under the student’s name.
  • The student should have cleared the minimum attendance required.

Placement Process

  • The Training and Placement Cell will be responsible for overseeing the placement process.
  • All eligible students requiring placement support, are to register themselves with the placement cell through a placement registration form and only registered students can participate in the placement activities.
  • All participating students must follow deadlines and conduct themselves professionally when interacting with external entities in course of placement activities, failing which, they may be disqualified from receiving further placement assistance.
  • If an eligible student does not apply for 3 consecutive job roles, then it will be inferred that the student is no more interested in the placement process and such student’s further candidature will be forfeited.
  • If a short-listed candidate remains unavailable for the second round or interview, without prior in formation and permission, such student will be debarred from applying for the next company he/she is eligible for.
  • We follow a one job offer per student’ policy and hence, once a student secures a job offer, he/she will automatically be considered as placed.

Our Recruiters

The placements at SVU are on a constant rise with a sea of national and international recruiters coming for our campus placements every year. Our reputation in the industry and the corporate collaborations ensure that our students have a wide range of opportunities to choose from. Some of our leading recruiters are :

Corporate Tie-up

Based in the heart of Noida, our stellar corporate collaborations, institute-industry tie-ups and partnerships with the academic fraternity at large are a huge help towards the smooth transition of our students in to professionals. Our notable corporate tie-ups are as follows:

Placement Enhancement Programs

At SVU, we take personality building just as seriously as academic excellence as it is just as much a contributing factor in the employability of a person. Hence, we regularly conduct Placement Enhancement Programs to hone those extra skills of our students, that are highly valued in any industry, which makes them stand out as more competent during the job application process. Some of our key programs are:

  • Training in leadership, organisational, networking and other interpersonal skills.
  • Relevant corporate interaction through workshops, seminars and guest lectures conducted by industry leaders.
  • Preparation for aptitude tests, group discussions and mock interviews top romote problem solving and quick thinking.
  • Profile-specific training and guidance.
  • Training through live simulations of a production environment.

These programs include hands-on experience and student-industry interaction that connects his/her thinking process to the industry requirements through expert grooming and training, which gives our students the much-needed edge in a sea of applications in any hiring process.