Admission Open

The Student Council serves as the voice of the student body, advocating for student interests and concerns while facilitating meaningful dialogue between students and university administration. Elected representatives work tirelessly to address student needs, enhance campus life, and foster a supportive learning environment for all.


The objectives of the Student Council shall be to engage and evolve the student community in following ways:

  • To develop a positive experience among the students at the University.
  • To uphold intellectual, cultural, and social life awareness, promote mental and physical health, and build character.
  • To maintain a supportive and conductive environment in the University for the students.
  • To enhance student participation in various academic & co-curricular activities of the University.
  • To undertake activities that are deemed beneficial to enhance the overall learning experience of the students.


The University Student Council shall have an Executive Committee. The members of the Executive shall be elected by a simple majority vote from among the University Higher Authorities.

The following shall be the office bearers of the University Student Council:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Joint Secretary cum Treasurer
  • Sports Secretary
  • Cultural Secretary

Additionally, 30 students shall be nominated as Ambassadors by the Deans of the various Schools based on their merit in studies and extracurricular activities.


The Students' Council shall function under the patronage of the Vice-chancellor and the Chairmanship of the Dean Students’ Welfare (DSW) of the University.

The following activities shall be undertaken by the Student Council:

  • Academic - The Student Council will organize debates, quizzes, essay competitions, poem writing, extempore presentations, and other extracurricular activities at the school and University level to improve the academic atmosphere of the University.
  • Student’s Welfare - The Student Council will suggest ways and means for providing financial assistance, special library facilities, scholarships, transport facilities, and hostel accommodation to the needy students.
  • Hostel Development – The Student Council shall regularly observe the basic facilities and living conditions in the hostels and will suggest improvements to the concerned authorities.
  • Grievance Monitoring - The Student Council will address all grievances related to hostels, health and hygiene, discipline, and harassment etc, and will report these issues to Dean Student Welfare.
  • Social Activities - The Student Council may suggest ways and means to promote various social activities by the students in and around the campus, such as literacy, cleanliness, health and hygiene, and other activities deemed appropriate from time to time.
  • Cultural Activities - The Student Council shall help in organizing cultural activities at the school and University level. The Student Council will motivate the students to participate in different cultural events and competitions.
  • Sports Activities - The Student Council may suggest facilities to be provided to the students to improve sports activities. The Student Council will motivate students to participate in different sports activities. Any grievance from students pertaining to sports will also be noted by the Student Council for quick redressal by the Dean Students’ Welfare.